
It’s time to
change the way we grow and eat food!


Let's start regenerating our planet today!

Our food system is broken. It’s threatening both people and planet. But food can also fix it! It’s the single strongest lever to optimize human health and environmental sustainability on our planet.

But if we don’t act quickly now, our children will inherit a planet that has been seriously polluted, destroyed, and depleted. We will not stand back and watch that happen! 


We are calling for revolution! Let's start regenerating our planet today! 


It’s time to
Change the
way we eat!


No need for daily meat! 

Not more than half a century ago, we only ate meat on Mondays. Now we are talking about meatless Monday! What on Earth happened?


Let's go back to better and switch to plants for protein. No need for daily meat! It’s harming our health, our soil, our freshwater and our climate. Plants for protein is the revolution we need. It’s the single biggest way to reduce our environmental footprint and regenerate our planet!


Low CO2 emission of Quinoa vs Beef or Rice

It’s time to
change the
way we farm!


Regenerative organic farming!

Conventional farming practices are one of the largest contributors to global warming. However, regenerative organic farming practices can transform agriculture from part of the global warming problem to a major part of the solution!

And the good news is, our Andean Quinoa farmers can transition to regenerative organic practices relatively quickly and inexpensively!


Regenerative organic farming against global warming!


Pablo's Quinoa - soil health, social fairness and animal welfare

It’s time to
change the
way we use land!


Give farmland back to nature!

Livestock provides 18% of calories and 37% of protein, but produces 58% of all agriculture’s greenhouse gas emissions and takes up 83% of all farmland! Without meat and dairy consumption, global farmland use could be reduced by more than 75%, an area equivalent to the US, EU, China and Australia combined, and still feed the world!

So let’s switch all for plants for protein to give farmland back to nature and regenerate our planet!


And it’s time
for deeds,
not words!


Let's start regenerating our planet today! 

We're building our own farm-to-fork Quinoa ‘chain of change’! From our farmers in the Andes all the way to your plates. We will show everyone how easy it is to grow Quinoa doesn’t harm our planet.

We will reduce our CO2 emissions and compensate the remainder. We will lead by example and challenge all food companies to join us. Let's start regenerating our planet today! 



We are on a mission to help everyone become fitter and more energetic, so that we can all take on the whole world again!


Sign up to join our Revolución and be the first to receive the tastiest quinoa recipes, how-to-cook videos and much more! Viva la quinoa Revolución!